Darth Angral (9)Full unit name: Angral
Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:11
Navigation (3)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic : Timeline 1 : Treaty of Coruscant
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Family Relations
Father of: Eli Tarnis
Eli Tarnis
Minor Characters (TOR)
Known Facts (7)
The Cold War (4) »
  • Wore Sith Warrior Armor A08.1
  • Used L3 Sith Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Eli Tarnis
    I'm departing Coruscant now, Father. The Planet Prison deploys in minutes. The Republic will have no choice but to surrender.
    Darth Angral
    You return to me as a hero of the Empire, my son. Our victory is complete.
    Hero of Tython
    I wouldn't count on that.
    What's this, Tarnis? A loose end? For shame.
    Eli Tarnis
    Have you come to die, Jedi?
    Hero of Tython
    Don't do this, Tarnis. You can still surrender.
    Eli Tarnis
    You'll forgive me if I don't offer you the same opportunity. Fighting petty criminals is nothing. Now you face a Sith.
    Darth Angral
    Channel your rage, my son. Don't let this Jedi steal your moment of triumph.
    Eli Tarnis
    Your blood flows through my veins, Father. I cannot fail.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, Eli Tarnis (from Race to the Ruins)
  • Praven, Sadic, Nefarid
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darth Angral
    Jedi filth... you've killed my son!
    Jedi will die for this, master. I'll see to it personally.
    Darth Angral
    You've no idea what you've unleashed, Jedi. There's no place in the galaxy to hide from my wrath.
    Hero of Tython
    I've sworn to protect the Republic. I took no pleasure in your son's death.
    Darth Angral
    I will inflict unimaginable suffering on your people. Billions will die because of you.
    We already control your secret weapon facilities. All that power is ours, now.
    Darth Angral
    My son's death will be avenged on the entire Republic - and you will bow down before I let you die.
    Hero of Tython
    Your grudge is with me alone. There's no need to hurt others.
    Darth Angral
    As they die, you will suffer - and I want you to suffer before the end comes.
    Tell your pathetic Masters that Darth Angral has returned. This time, there will be no mercy. We'll meet again, Jedi. That is a promise.
    Kira Carsen
    Such a charmer. I miss him already. The Planet Prison is officially scrap metal. Looks like we saved Coruscant.
    Hero of Tython
    Couldn't have done it without you, Kira.
    Kira Carsen
    Much as I'm enjoying these toxic ruins, maybe we should get back to the Senate tower?
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen (from Race to the Ruins)
  • Praven, Nefarid, Sadic
Desolator Crisis (1) »
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Watcher One
    Lord Angral, my interrogation is complete. Transmitting my report to you now.
    Darth Angral
    Your efficiency will be noted. Take Doctor Godera to Dromund Kaas. I have plans for him.
    Hero of Tython
    You never mentioned you were working for Angral.
    Darth Angral
    What is this? Explain yourself, Watcher.
    Watcher One
    To ensure mission success, I compromised with the Jedi. They're here for the doctor.
    Darth Angral
    You... compromised? With the Jedi vermin who killed my son? You escaped me on Ord Mantell. You will not be so fortunate this time. Perhaps I should be grateful. You've spared me the effort of hunting you down.
    Hero of Tython
    You talk a big game from across the galaxy, Angral.
    Darth Angral
    We'll be face-to-face soon enough. You will beg for mercy. Watcher, bring me this filth alive. I'll kill them myself.
    Watcher One
    Respectfully, my lord, I'm duty-bound to honor our bargain.
    Darth Angral
    Enough! Do as I command! Don't trifle with me! I want that Jedi!
    Watcher One
    Very well, Lord Angral. You're heavily outnumbered, Jedi. I apologize for reneging on our deal, but I have orders. You understand. I recommend you surrender.
    Hero of Tython
    Give me Doctor Godera. Walk away, while you still can.
    Watcher One
    We seem to be at an impasse. This is not the ending I would have chosen.
  • Hero of Tython, Kira Carsen, T7-O1, Watcher One (from The Rescue)
New Intelligence (2) »
  • Arrived on Ord Mantell Orbital Station
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Darth Angral came for a personal interrogation of Kira Carsen, who were able to convince him that her Master was on Corellia.
    Angral left the station, but ordered Ferav not to kill Karsen and to keep her captive.
  • Ferav, Kira Carsen


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Sith Order
Show all (3)DetailsSacking of Coruscant (Sith Lord)The Cold War (Sith Lord)New Intelligence (Sith Lord)
Reconstitued Sith Empire
Sacking of Coruscant (Operation Commander)
Known roles
Operation Commander
Reconstitued Sith Empire
Known weaponry & equipment
Sith Lightsaber
Known armor & apparel
Sith Warrior Armor A08.1
All characters this character met
Hero of Tython
Show all (2)DetailsRace to the RuinsThe Rescue
Kira Carsen
Show all (3)DetailsRace to the RuinsNew IntelligenceThe Rescue
Watcher One
The Rescue
New Intelligence
Race to the Ruins
Race to the Ruins
Race to the Ruins
Eli Tarnis
Race to the Ruins
The Rescue
Complete list

Full unit name: Angral Last updated: 08.08.2024 23:25:11